The biggest problem with dentures, aside from the fact that they are false teeth, is that they are often loose, and sometimes they are very loose. This means that they fail to give the wearer a sense of security. The lack of confidence in the ability of the dentures to stay put means that the wearer often has to adapt eating and chewing techniques, for example cutting food up small.
Most wearers will have adapted their oral musculature, which is the muscles around their mouth, to holding the loose dentures in place; this is done whenever they feel looseness, which is when eating or speaking. Restricted muscle movements during speech mean that the wearer is not able to speak or laugh freely, for fear that the dentures may drop or even fall out, causing huge embarrassment.
This problem usually affects full dentures, which are dentures made and worn when there are no teeth at all in that jaw (upper or lower). Many people in communities around the world are missing all their teeth in either their upper jaw, lower jaw or both. Many of them struggle to keep their dentures secure, particularly in the lower jaw. If you are one of them, you already know about the embarrassment of slipping dentures, not being able to eat all the foods that you love and the ineffectiveness of denture adhesives. Fortunately, there is now a way to make your denture work the way it was intended: stabilisation with dental implants.
Denture stabilisation with implants is a relatively risk free procedure for anyone that is healthy regardless of age. Most of the people that have this procedure are in their 7os. This is a straightforward procedure of our implant surgeon. All that is required is a small procedure where small implant screw /s are placed in the bone. Following that, a new denture which has been prefabricated to fit, is fitted to adapt to the new screws, meaning no downtime without the denture. In special cases, the existing dentures can be adapted to fit, provided they are in good condition and well fitting to the bone.
Book in for a consultation if you would like an assessment today.