We Love Children!
Why take your child to Artiste Studios - L'Orthodontiste?
At Artiste Studios - L'Orthodontiste, we believe that foundations for a lifetime of good dental awareness begins when children are little. We embrace a preventative philosophy and aim to teach young children the importance of keeping their teeth clean and healthy. We reserve more time per appointment so that the appointment is relaxed and fun, and each child learns to love the dentist!
What are the things that we look out for at your child's dental examination?
The teeth present, noting displaced, unerupted or missing teeth
Oral hygiene levels
Cavities and future susceptibility to cavities
Presence of gum disease/conditions
The soft tissue pattern
The position of the lips at rest
Tongue position during speech and swallowing
The presence of thumb and finger sucking habits
The bite, noting how much the teeth protrude and overlap, any deviation to the centreline, crowding or spacing, crossbites.
Whether there is any displacement of the jaws when closing
Skeletal discrepancy
After the initial examination, we will note our findings and let you know how your child is doing with their tooth brushing, and if there is anything that requires further attention.
Your child may join our membership program for only £8 a month. In addition to the benefits of membership, this will include a children's examination and cleaning every 6 months, and as always, at convenient times to suit both your schedules.
Call us today to book your initial child examination.
Personalised regenerative medicine is widely accepted as the future of medical science. Stem cell therapy is fundamental to this approach.
Baby or deciduous teeth fall out naturally when a child is generally between 6 and 11 years of age. They contain stem cells that have the ability to develop into many different types of cells such as skin, nerve, muscle, fat, cartilage, and tendon. They can potentially be used to replace diseased and damaged tissues in the body without rejection. These teeth are by far the easiest and most natural, non-invasive source of stem cells.
What are stem cells?
Stem cells are special AS they can change into other types of cells, which means they have immense potential.
Stem cells are unique in the body because they can change into other types of cells, which means they have immense potential to enhance and extend life. Stem cells can replace cells that are lost or damaged by injury or disease. This means that under the right conditions they can be developed and grow to form organs, bones, cartilage and tissue as well as having the ability to repair the immune system.
They can replace cells that are lost or damaged by injury or disease. Grown under the right conditions they can be developed to form organs, bones, cartilage and tissue. Stem cells also have the ability to repair the immune system. Stem cell therapy, without the fear of rejection, offers one of the most promising paths to curing medical conditions, injures and diseases and safeguarding the health of future generations. An ongoing supply of healthy cells is therefore essential.
Sounds impossible? It’s not, thanks to leading research, the realms of what is possible have changed.
Can you extact tooth stem cells?
In humans, stem cells can be found in many different parts of the body, typically bone marrow, blood and umbilical cord blood. Now baby teeth have been proven to provide an abundant source of adult stem cells with the potential to treat and cure a vast number of illnesses and diseases.
New stem cells therapies are being developed at an unprecedented pace, in fact many ideas for treatment are now becoming a reality and will be more widespread when your child has children of his or her own.
It is suggested that extracted milk teeth have the best chance of obtaining the most number of stem cells by extracting dental pulp from the tooth and then isolating the tooth cells from the dental pulp. The pulp of children’s baby teeth generally contains a range of valuable adult stem cells. The process collects all the cells potentially contained within the pulp area of the tooth at the time of collection.The tooth cells are then cryogenically stored ready for use should your child ever need them.
Your child will lose 12 milk teeth over a period of approximately five years. This length of time means there are more opportunities to obtain viable cells for storage and the process is completely non-invasive. These is also a possibility in extracting, testing and storing adult wisdom teeth generally up to the age of 25.
Artiste Studios is excited to be supporting stem cell research through patient education. Our partner is the world’s first and only specialist biobank to collect, assess and cryogenically store living cells from teeth.
Stem Cell Research & Treatment
Stem Cell Treatment
Stem Cells are widely thought to be the cornerstone of medicine in the very near future. Whilst stem cells from teeth are not used routinely in medical treatments today, experts believe that one day they could be used to treat many different diseases and injuries. A small selection of research using stem cells from teeth and their potential to treat a variety of disorders is listed here to give you a deeper understanding of the significance of stem cells from teeth.
Stem Cell Research
The continuous advancement in stem cell therapy around the world means scientists are well down the path to curing diseases and healing medical conditions that would otherwise remain un-treatable.
For stem cell therapy to work however, it is imperative that the source of the stem cells is compatible with the recipient and to avoid the rejection of transplanted tissues, it is always best to use the patient’s own stem cells for these treatments.
Stem Cell Research and Potential Benefits
The cells found in teeth hold the potential to treat conditions such as:
Type 1 diabetes
Neuronal degenerative disorders (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Huntington’s disease)
Cardiovascular disease
Paralysis due to spinal cord injury
Liver disease
Heart attack
Joint bone repair
Stem Cell Treatment Breakthroughs
As medical research continues to make amazing breakthroughs, storing teeth cells from your child is an excellent way to prepare for the healthcare needs they may encounter in their adult life.
Type 1 Diabetes and prevention of diabetic retinopathy
Publication: Systemic administration of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells reverts hyperglycemia and prevents nephropathy in type 1 diabetic mice.
Parkinsons Disease
Publication: Stem cells from human-exfoliated deciduous teeth can differentiate into dopaminergic neuron-like cells.
Stroke (cerebral ischaemia)
Publication: Potential role of dental stem cells in the cellular therapy of cerebral ischemia.
Heart Attack
Publication: Human dental pulp stem cells improve left ventricular function, induce angiogenesis, and reduce infarct size in rats with acute myocardial infarction
Liver disease
Publication: Multipotent cells from the human third molar: feasibility of cell-based therapy for liver disease.
Immune disorders
Publication: Immunomodulatory properties of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth.
Age related degenerative disorders
Publication: Human tooth germ stem cells preserve neuro-protective effects after long-term cryo-preservation.
Burns and tissue repair
Publication: More insight into mesenchymal stem cells and their effects inside the body.
Corneal reconstruction
Publication: Corneal reconstruction with tissue-engineered cell sheets composed of human immature dental pulp stem cells.
Repair of the central nervous system
Publication: Putative dental pulp-derived stem/stromal cells promote proliferation and differentiation of endogenous neural cells in the hippocampus of mice.
Publication: Isolation of distinct progenitor stem cell populations from dental pulp.
Repair of nerve and vascular tissue and treatment of neurological disease
Publication: Isolation and characterization of stem cells derived from human third molar tooth germs of young adults.
Publication: Implanted adult human dental pulp stem cells induce endogenous axon guidance.
Publication: Simultaneous PKC and cAMP activation induces differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells into functionally active neurons.
Publication: Adult human dental pulp stem cells differentiate toward functionally active neurons under appropriate environmental cues.
Bone growth and repair including facial reconstruction
Publication: A feasibility of useful cell-based therapy by bone regeneration with deciduous tooth stem cells, dental pulp stem cells, or bone-marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells for clinical study using tissue engineering technology.
Publication: Differentiation potential of STRO-1+ dental pulp stem cells changes during cell passaging.
Publication: Addition of mesenchymal stem cells to the scaffold of platelet-rich plasma is beneficial for the reduction of the consolidation period in mandibular distraction osteogenesis.
Publication: Osteogenic capacity of human deciduous dental pulp stem cells in vitro.
Publication: Human mandible bone defect repair by the grafting of dental pulp stem/progenitor cells and collagen sponge biocomplexes.
Publication: Stem cells from deciduous tooth repair mandibular defect in swine.
Publication: SHED repair critical-size calvarial defects in mice.
Publication: Reconstruction of large cranial defects in nonimmunosuppressed experimental design with human dental pulp stem cells.
Publication: Dental pulp stem cells: a promising tool for bone regeneration.
Publication: For the first time in Mexico, surgeons implant stem cells obtained from wisdom teeth.
Tissue engineering and plastic surgery
Publication: Human dental pulp stem cells: from biology to clinical applications.
Publication: In vivo evaluation of human dental pulp stem cells differentiated towards multiple lineages.
Publication: Transplantation of mesenchymal stem cells is an optimal approach for plastic surgery.
Dental Treatments
Publication: Dental stem cell therapy with calcium hydroxide in dental pulp capping.
Publication: Dental tissue regeneration – a mini-review.
Stem cell therapy has been used successfully thousands of times in many countries around the world. Stem cells have been successfully used to grow replacement skin, tracheas, and corneas as well as offer heart repair after a heart attack. It is widely believed that stem cell therapy may offer remedies for such conditions such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s disease, juvenile diabetes, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and certain forms of cancer.

Tooth Fairy, please save the stem cells from my child's tooth
Learn more about tooth stem cell banking
Call us and you will receive a booklet and an appointment for a free assessment with Artiste Studios, Your Child's Tooth Fairy!
The free assessment is informational in nature and you can opt-out of receiving emails anytime.
If you are calling, please mention the code TOOTHFAIRY in order to earn a contribution to your school fund when your child sign up.
Artiste Studios Tooth Stem Cells Banking Partner - BioEden
Why did BioEden choose to partner with us in London?
Artiste Studios is one of London's leading practices and we place immense importance on preventative children's dentistry. We believe greatly in parent education starting from when their children are infants, supporting them in thumbsucking cessation and promoting premptive pre-orthodontic solutions so that children's adult teeth can grow naturally. Educating parents and monitoring children's teeth and facial growth are our passions. BioEden believe that we have the support in place to promote tooth stem cell extraction.
Why should I call Artiste Studios now?
The younger you register your child, the more chances you have to extract viable tooth stem cells. Furthermore, tooth stem cells may be more plentiful in the first few teeth (front teeth) that fall out. Beyond the enrolment kit you will get from from BioEden, Artiste Studios is able to assist you with periodic checks and help extract the teeth where desirable if you register directly with us.
We are running an exclusive pilot scheme that encompasses the West London area. To learn more about how we can help you and your school, please contact us.
Why did we choose to partner with BioEden?
Because BioEden is a team of scientists, innovators and creators on the journey of a lifetime. Driven by their passion for exploring and developing the thrilling potential of emerging medical science.
More importantly, the people at BioEden are committed and nice to work with. Those are the partners that Artiste Studios teams with.
About BioEden
The global leader in the collection and preservation of tooth cells taken from children’s milk teeth and wisdom teeth
We extract dental pulp from the tooth and isolate the tooth cells from the dental pulp. We perform annual validation to ensure our process can isolate cells from teeth that test positive for Mesenchymal stem cell markers. The tooth cells are then cryogenically stored ready for use should your child ever need them
Other companies who offer this service store either the tooth or the dental pulp. BioEden isolates the cells from the dental pulp and evaluates them to check that they are viable before storing them. This method allows for a significant number of healthy cells to be preserved.
We will let you know if the cells aren’t viable for storage and guarantee to process the next tooth at no extra charge, if required
Support and update you at every step
Thoroughly test the tooth cells
Only store a viable sample
Give you customer care 24/7
Ensure secure processing and storage
Give you quick and easy access to your cells
Never stop exploring the science
Our UK facility is formally approved and regulated by the Human Tissue Authority (HTA).