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At Artiste Studios - L'Orthodontiste, the application of the art and science of orthodontics is in the heart of what we do best.


We are extremely proud to have many beaming adults who have referred their friends, as well as parents who are amazed at our care and the result seen in their children and asked us if we can do the same for them!


Orthodontic treatment will fit in with your current lifestyle – you can sing, play a musical instrument, dine out, kiss, and even have your picture taken. More than half of new orthodontic patients today are adults.


You will find utmost precision in your treatment planning, coupled with excellent service in a relaxing environment here.


Artiste Studios - L'Orthodontiste is the ONLY place for your straighter smile!

Specialist in Adult Orthodontics


Today, orthodontic treatment is a viable option for almost any adult.  It is well-recognised that when left untreated, many orthodontic problems may become worse.  When you have a malocclusion (“bad bite”), your teeth may be crowded, excessively spaced or may not fit together correctly.  Such conditions may lead to dental health problems.  Crowded teeth are hard to clean and, given time, may contribute to tooth decay, gum disease and even tooth loss.  Bad bites can also result in abnormal wearing of tooth surfaces, difficulty chewing and damage to supporting bone and gum tissue.  Poorly aligned teeth can contribute to pain in the jaw joints. 


The life span of our teeth has increased along with life expectancy.  Our great-grandparents, for the most part, lost their teeth around age 40.  Today’s 25-year-old has the potential of another 75 years of keeping and using their teeth.  This is a major change in dental health care (and life expectancy).  Teeth that do not fit well often wear down more quickly—another reason to make sure that your teeth are in good alignment and well maintained in your adult years.


Straightening helps you bite more evenly and reduce strain which leads to jaw joint problems or recurrent headaches. Straightening is not just for teens or about train-tracks. 60% of new orthodontic patients today are adults. Besides, braces these days are gentle and very inconspicuous. Our new techniques mean that there is minimal discomfort and anyone can find a cosmetic option that suits their lifestyle. There is no better time to finally have that work done on your smile!

Non-Extraction Orthodontics

Minimise extraction of any of your precious teeth for orthodontics at Artiste Studios - L'Orthodontiste

At Artiste Studios - L'Orthodontiste, we try to keep your teeth where possible.


This comes with experience. In our experience, too many adults have come in for help because they have had teeth unnecessarily removed during their teens, resulting in collapsed smiles, and facial profiles.


We aim to try to rearrange your teeth to your existing facial structure, giving you the best chance for a great looking smile for years to come. Naturally, sometimes the extraction of teeth to make room is needed, and in those cases, we will plan to extract teeth that already have big fillings.


At Artiste Studios - L'Orthodontiste, we will never perform “routine extractions” to make it easier to get your teeth straight.


Keep your teeth where they are supposed to be, in your jaw!

Non-Extraction Orthodontics
Outstanding Results at a Fully Private Practice
We do not cut corners. Our team is geared towards comprehensive care

Our ethos is towards individualised care for everyone. We provide the most comprehensive orthodontic treatment available at any dental practice, should you choose lingual invisible braces or even orthodontics with mini-implants to assist the movement of your adult teeth.


We provide options based on your desires and our best judgement on an outcome that focuses not only on straighter teeth but also a better facial profile and healthier smile. You may not be able notice it in the mirror initially, but over time, you and your loved ones will appreciate the subtle differences.


We come into our wonderfully calming practice each day focused on providing great care rather than managing minute slots. Our appointments are generally 5 times longer than what you would expect at a NHS/mixed orthodontic practice. We are always available to answer your questions.


We can even help you apply for monthly payment financing. We would never charge an arrangement fee.

Fully Private Practice

Self-Ligating Brackets

Damon braces also known as “Speed Braces”, these Self-Ligating Braces are Perfect for Children

Braces that will give you excellent results in the shortest possible time, with the least pain possible, also referred to as “speed braces” are available at Artiste Studios.


These tiny braces are designed to make your treatment faster and less painful than regular braces. When placed on your teeth these braces can reduce your treatment time by up to 6 months! The ideal complement to your first phase of interceptive treatment in order to get the best results.


Damon brackets work faster than other types of appliance due to the very low friction between the bracket and the wire. The Damon system allows non-extraction treatment in the majority of cases. Children and their parents keen for the fastest treatment possible often select this appliance even though there is a little more metal visible than porcelain brackets.


What are the Advantages of the Damon System of Braces?

The Damon brackets are a great way to achieve a more beautiful and aesthetic smile in less time and with greater comfort than other treatments or even conventional braces. Damon brackets are more comfortable against your lips and cheeks than conventional braces and less noticeable because the brackets are smaller.


Damon brackets are also 'self ligating.' Conventional braces hold the wire into the brackets with individual elastics. This causes tension on the wire that moves your teeth. One problem that arises is that the elastics eventually get loose; therefore you must visit your orthodontist at least once a month to change the elastics and create more force.


The other inconvenience with conventional braces is that even if we use silver elastics, which are the most aesthetic, the elastics still add more 'metal' to the look of your smile. The Damon brackets do not need elastics to hold the wire in place; instead, Damon braces use a slide mechanism to hold the wire, which allows teeth to move more freely, quickly and comfortably.


This 'self ligating' system means that you will not have to come to see the orthodontist as often and that a more even tension is placed on your teeth throughout your treatment. Visits are still necessary to change the wire and to make sure that the brackets are clean.


Damon braces are designed to be discreet, comfortable and easy to keep clean. Without the elastic ties that can collect plaque, Damon braces make dental hygiene easier during treatment.


With the Damon System of braces, treatment time is typically 6 months shorter than with conventional braces. And shorter treatment time means fewer appointments and a beautiful smile...faster. You may be surprised at how fast.

Self-Ligating Speed Braces

Every Radiance bracket is a polished jewel, made from pure grown sapphire, second only to diamond as the toughest mineral known to exist. Each crystal is honed and then heat polished into a superbly smooth, incredibly clear and astoundingly strong bracket.

Radiance’s monocrystalline structure and highly polished surface serve as barriers to stains so they won’t discolour over time, and you'll look great throughout your treatment. Invisibly straighten your teeth with the confidence that can only come from Radiance pure sapphire brackets!

Damon Clear

Virtually invisible, Damon Clear has clear advantages over traditional braces and aligners. Damon Clear is part of the innovative Damon System, which combines tieless braces with high technology archwires that are clinically proven to move teeth fast and comfortably with truly spectacular smile and facial results.


Damon Clear combines the best of traditional clear braces and invisible aligners to deliver a discrete treatment experience with results that go beyond straight teeth.

Ceramic Clear Braces

Cosmetic braces for the exclusive teenagers! Ceramic braces are perfect for a wonderful yearbook smile

Ceramic Clear Braces are tooth-coloured appliances for improved cosmetics are available. The brackets attached to the teeth are made of porcelain and therefore blend in beautifully with the background colour of the teeth.


The appliance works along the same principle as more visible braces, with a fine wire connecting the brackets and moving the teeth gently to the correct position. The appearance is much better due to the lower visibility of the porcelain brackets.


Smooth, comfortable and discreet, your lips and cheeks are less traumatised with these smooth brackets.


Some cosmetic braces are white or coloured to match a particular tooth colour. But since we all have different tooth shades, these braces frequently stand out. Radiance crystal-clear braces are the most discreet braces available, regardless of tooth colour.

Ceramic Clear Braces
Additional Bracket Options
Lingual Braces

Lingual Invisible Braces

Truly Hidden Braces: The Latest Orthodontic trend

Artiste Studios is proud to offer Premier Lingual Invisible Braces, the ultimate in modern orthodontics, enabling you to claim your right to a beautiful, fully functioning smile.


The Truly Invisible Braces. It is the choice of professionals and yummy mummies alike. No one will see that you are having orthodontic treatment but everyone will notice significant improvement to your smile.


Benefits of having Premier Lingual Braces



  • We place custom-fabricated Lingual Invisible Braces on the inside surface of your teeth (lingual) so they will move into alignment without anyone knowing you are in treatment.



  • With the treatment efficiency that only real braces provide, the fitted braces can quickly straighten your teeth, usually within a few months. This is dramatically faster than aligner treatment that may take up to 2 years or longer to complete for advanced cases.

  • Lingual treatment will not interfere with your schedule; many Lingual Invisible Braces cases require less adjustment visits than regular braces.



  • Lingual Invisible Braces rely on light, hi-tech wires to reduce the pressure on your teeth, allowing them to move gently into proper alignment.

  • Designed for maximum comfort, Lingual Invisible Braces allow you to speak clearly and confidently throughout treatment.



  • Lingual Invisible Braces is ideal for today’s busy lifestyles. You’ll eat, drink and play sports without removing aligners or worrying about misplacing them.

STb Social 6 Light Lingual Braces/MTM

Adult Relapse Option

The majority of patients exploring orthodontic treatment realise that a great smile will improve their facial symmetry and overall appearance. You desire the benefit of straight teeth but sometimes are hesitant to commit to braces that will show. For these aesthetically conscious adults, concealed lingual orthodontics provides an excellent alternative to traditional braces or even Invisalign, Clearstep and the Inman aligner. Since lingual braces sit behind the teeth they are truly invisible.


The truly invisible aligner alternative for minor to moderate orthodontic cases

If you are motivated to correct minor to moderate crowding or spacing issues affecting the 6 front teeth, STb Social 6 Light Lingual System represents an excellent alternative that delivers outstanding results, with treatment times typically ranging from 6 to 16 weeks.

The STb Social 6 Light Lingual System utilises a new passive ligation design that dramatically reduces friction. Low friction and light force have been shown to move teeth with exceptional efficiency


Benefits of the STb Social 6 Light Lingual System

  •  Treats any case of minor to moderate anterior crowding or spacing with maximum control and no compliance issues

  • Thanks to passive self-ligation and light high-technology wires, friction is dramatically reduced and treatment time accelerated

  • Most cases finish in less than 16 weeks

  • Due to the small brackets this system is more comfortable than traditional lingual orthodontics

STb Social 6 Light Lingual Braces/MTM

Inman Aligner

Adult Relapse Option

The Inman Aligner is a fantastic, simple and convenient way of straightening your front teeth. It is the orthodontic treatment of choice for many adult relapse cases to reclaim your fresh adolescent grin.

In the past anyone with crooked teeth only had a few choices. Fixed braces and clear braces work well but are slow and not aesthetically pleasing.


The Inman Aligner is a real alternative already available at Artiste Studios. Because it works so quickly and efficiently, if you do not like the idea of having brackets stuck to your teeth or waiting months for the gentle movements of clear aligner to work, you can now have your front teeth straightened in as little as 6 -16 weeks.


Acting as an auxiliary to the success of other dental treatment, the Inman Aligner is a great option in order to achieve ideal tooth positions prior to veneers being prepared, giving a much better result in a more conservative manner. It is no wonder cosmetic dentists call it the "missing link between orthodontics and cosmetic dentistry". It has also been described as the "Greatest Innovation in Cosmetic Dentistry since the porcelain veneer".


Artiste Studios is excited to be able to provide the Inman Aligner as a popular treatment option to our patients, expanding the already vast array of orthodontic appliances available to you and your distinct case.

Inman Aligner

Invisible Retainers

Finally got your teeth to the right spot? Now keep them there with Invisible Retainers! Each is custom-made and ensure your investment lasts!


Orthodontic retainers are an oral appliance which hold your teeth straight and are used as a follow up to any fixed brace treatment. They reduce the risk of teeth going back to their undesired position after treatment.


Retainers are designed to help ensure that your wonderful smile and all the beautifully aligned teeth stay exactly that way and do not shift or change. We always advise that retainers be worn on a long term basis, as teeth can move throughout life.


Inivisible retainers fall into the category of bonded wire fixed retainers. There are many types of fixed retainers, but the main ones of interest are called lingual bonded fixed retainers. This is basically a small thin metal bar or wire which is glued or bonded with a special adhesive to the insides of the front teeth. The fact that they are attached to the inner tongue side of the teeth means that they are not visible. For some patients who just absolutely can not wear any form of removable appliances, such as Hawley retainers of clear retainers, a bonded fixed retainer is an option.


Bonded fixed retainers are sometimes the only answer for particular types of retention challenges such as preventing a big space or diastema from re-appearing between the upper two front teeth. In such cases permanent retention is needed to maintain successful closure. Even minor tongue pressures or forces due to chewing can cause a space to re-appear. 

Benefits of invisible retainers:

â–          Very aesthetic and can not be seen because they are attached to the inside of the teeth

â–          Are permanent which means you do not have to worry about misplacing them

â–          Very discreet and barely noticeable, and do not need to be removed for eating or for sports

â–          Require less maintenance & cleaning than removable clear or Hawley retainers


We even have the option to fabricate your retainer on the spot and fitting it on the same day that you have your braces removed, giving you maximum reassurance that no undesired tooth movement can occur.


You should have your retainer reviewed periodically to ensure there are no issues. Any retainer breakage will result in movement of your teeth affecting your brilliant smile. Following orthodontic after-care advice is  very important to maintain your smile. Please be sure to let us know to prevent a relapse treatment.

Invisible Retainers

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